Thursday, September 30, 2010

While a Smart Boards is a product made by a specific manufacturer of interactive white boards, the concept may be called that regardless of who makes it, in much the same way that atissue is universally called a kleenex. Smart boards enhance the ways that teachers present material and information and students demonstrate understanding. They allow for students to have hands, eyes, and ears on concepts in ways not previously available to them. Asmart board obsoletes many tools used by educators: the traditional chalk board was replaced by the white board which is now being replaced by by interactive versions of the same concept. Smart boards connected to a computer allows for whole classrooms full of students to view what might have been on a TV/DVD set up. Because interactive boards naturally promote collaborative teaching and learning, they retrieve community learning, storytelling with illustrations collectively told. They can be reused in much the same way that slates in early public schools were reusable. But they can also save work done collectively, therefore they retrieve publishing as well. They might be replaced one day with holo-decks, as in Star Trek and virtual world.


  1. Hi Cyndy, I liked your reference comparison to Kleenex. I also think that the Smartboard has became synonymous with interactive whiteboards. WOW. You and I used the same comparison to slates--- great minds think alike. I promise this is the first time I looked at your blog this week. It makes me want to change mine to another comparison. I think I will cause as I read on-- you too refered to the 3D -- as in holo decks. Reread mine if you've commented cause I'm changing it. Deb :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think thinking alike is not a bad thing. I know you did not copy mine.

  4. Hi Cyndy,
    I agree that the interactive whiteboards have replaced lots of things that were once used in school buildings. My first year of teaching, I actually had a chalkboard in my classroom. The second year, I had dry-erase boards. Now, the last year I've had interactive whiteboards. I'm just wondering if the interactive whiteboard will be around for awhile or will I have something new next? It seems that technology changes pretty fast these days.

  5. Cyndy,

    What a great comparison of the universal use of the term Smart Boards and Kleenex. It is amazing how we choose to clump certain equipment or products under one universal term. Coke would be another example that can be used when asking for a carbonated beverage.

    Your addition of storytelling in the retrieval category makes me think of how we could have added cave drawings to the list as well. The purpose of storytelling has changed numerous times through the evolution of man, but as we see in your tetrad presentation still vital in our technologically advanced society.

  6. Cyndy--the Kleenex thing was kind of a common thread! I intentionally did not read others' blog posts until after I had done mine, and I noted that my word processor actually auto-corrected and capitalized the K of kleenex (I was a bit disappointed that it did not add the "Registered Trademark" symbol as well (I guess that may exist in Office 2010).

    I like your suggestion of a holodeck or other virtual world technology as a replacement! Think of the possibilities!
